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more-blogging-mistakesThe scriptures are in full harmony with life and the happenings around the world. The fall and the rise of man starting from the first man and woman to the least character as recorded in the old testament of the bible portrays that the Scriptures were given for reproof and correction to this latter generation, that we may all be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16).

The same is applicable to every creation on earth; you can always learn from the fall and the rise of others. People make mistakes and from their mistakes, they gain experience, though it may be painful but on the other hand, it makes clear to the victim the right thing to do. It is good to learn from others mistake but it can be very agonizing to make mistake and learn from it.

I have seen people who made mistakes and later realize where they missed it and amended their ways to blend into the grace they received from God – The Second Chance. I have also seen people who made mistake and refused to acknowledge their errors and to amend their ways, it was later that they realized their errors but it was a little bit late because an iron can only be shaped when heated but after it’s cooled it will be very difficult to shape.

Learning from people’s mistakes will help you a lot in your life’s journey. It will help you to be at alert and to be careful in your ways of living i.e. it will help you live a life without regret. Here are four (4) steps to learning from people’s mistakes, study, digest and let them become part of you.

Be Observant: Pay attention and study peoples’ life, I mean people you know, like your family and friends, people you mingle with, that are not necessarily your friends. By so doing, you will identify different attitudes of different people and some things they do that add value to their lives or devalues them. From your observation, derive a positive knowledge and utilize it to better your life.

Be Inquisitive: Asking questions is one of the fastest ways to heed positive learning. When people see your eagerness and seriousness to desiring more knowledge or to learn, they will open up to you. Meet and interact with people you observed, that have made some mistakes and have amended their ways, ask questions, make them share their experience with you and use their life mistakes as lessons to learn from.

Be Ready: Get yourself prepared for the journey of life. Put into action what you learnt and help other people. Not through making mistakes but by sharing what you have learnt with them. Remember, a life without Jesus is a life without headway, you need Jesus to help you utilize what you have learnt rightfully; receive Him today as your personal Lord and Saviour.

Be Connected: The best teacher you can ever have is the Holy Spirit. He will order your steps, guide your path and help you walk according to the ordinances of God. It is very crucial to have the Holy Spirit as the chancellor of your life and have the Word of God (Bible) as your Handout. The Holy Spirit and the Word of God will be of good help in living a life without regret. Always have this at the front of your mind; learn from people’s mistake to avoid learning from your own mistakes.

Adolescents’ Inspirational Articles (AIA – 002)